People Pay (Person-to-Person Payments)

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A fast, convenient, and safe way to send money to just about anyone with an email address or mobile phone, whether they bank with SBIC or not.

  • Pay the babysitter or gardener
  • Send cash to your daughter in college
  • Make sure the soccer team dues are paid in time for next week’s game
  • Split the tab at a bar or restaurant — the possibilities are endless!
  • With real-time debits, payments are made immediately and take only a few simple steps to claim.


Send Money

Now, you can pay people using People Pay the same way you pay companies using Bill Pay. To send money, simply sign on to Consumer Online Banking (CoB) and go to the "People Pay" link listed on the "Pay and Transfer" tab. Once you are enrolled, you can send money to anyone in the United States by using his or her email address or cell phone number.

Since you manage your payment contacts, initiate payments, and monitor incoming or outgoing transactions through our CoB site, you know it's secure.

Claiming Money

The person receiving the money is sent a notification via email or text message with instructions on how to claim it.

Log into Your Account to Get Started



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